Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Jay's Magical Recap

Jay was fantastic during his visit! He began his presentation with a story about his childhood and a magical wallet that ALWAYS had $50! Honestly, this trick had us ALL amazed!!! After we picked up our dropped jaws, Jay impressed the residents with some of his tricks; he passed out some supplies and allowed the kids to make their own with his careful instructions! They were practicing on each other and the staff. They seemed to really enjoy it!

Thank you, Jay, for being such an avid library supporter. During his presentation, he reminded the residents of his childhood trips to the library to pick out magic books filled with tricks. Jay learned from the books and traveled to birthday parties to put on his own magic shows!

If you are interested in finding some magic books at a public library in Lancaster County, check out our Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) here.

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